• Marigold Royal Guardians

Marigold Royal Guardians

For centuries marigold have been used in ornamental and vegetable gardens to repel pests. They will help you grow stronger healthier cannabis.
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Companion plant marigold: As a border plant, marigold repels pests


The cheery orange blossoms of marigold (Calendula officinalis) are a common sight in most healthy polycultures. They have long been used as a companion plant. Customarily they are used as an insect repelling border for ornamental and vegetable gardens. They are also renowned for fortifying their neighbours. French marigold produce an insect repelling chemical in their roots, which can help deter root aphids. The effects can linger for years.

Marigold as part of a companion planting guild for cannabis repels beetles and leafhoppers. Also on the hit list are Mexican beetle and objectionable nematodes. Their buoyant blooms attract nectar-eating species. They also add their gentle perfume to the overall stealthy potpourri of a diversely healthy marijuana patch.

Latin name Calendula officinalis
Type Perennial and herbaceous.
Height Up to 80 cm
Harvest All year
Effect Aromatic, distraction (orange flowers) and stealth.
Climate Full sun.
pH Prefers 5,5 - 7,5.
Soil Clay, sandy, loamy. compost-rich soil or potting soil.
Germination 5 - 15 days / 24 - 28 °C
Spacing 15 - 25 cm
Seeds per gram 160 - 175
Note Insect repellent. Calendula will produce lots of seed in a similar fashion toMarigold. When the blooms dry out, cut them off and hang upside down in bundles. The seeds are contained in the heads, and once dry and crisp, they can be lightly hand-crushed and winnowed from the seed chaff.

    Από G. G. Στις 12/Jun/2023 :

    Τίτλος : Marigold
    Σχόλιο : Bought a 2 pack today and one from a friend already. Germinated and developed some nice flowers ✌️ Looking forward to grow again

    Από A. M. Στις 12/Sep/2022 :

    Τίτλος : Very nice flowers
    Σχόλιο : very pretty flowers and more than a single color

    Από P. R. Στις 18/Apr/2022 :

    Τίτλος : UNA GARANZIA
    Σχόλιο : Adoro la calendula. Non vedo l'ora di vedere i fiori!

    Από B. L. Στις 25/Jun/2021 :

    Τίτλος : Mains vertes
    Σχόλιο : Très bonne germination, fleurs magnifiques, je recommande !

    Από E. N. Στις 09/Apr/2021 :

    Τίτλος : Perfetto
    Σχόλιο : Alta percentuale di germinazione, tutto ok

    Από P. M. Στις 24/Nov/2020 :

    Τίτλος : Malmequer Royal Guardians
    Σχόλιο : estou satisfeito com as plantas-companheiras Malmequer Royal Guardians recomendo.

    Από H. P. Στις 04/Aug/2020 :

    Τίτλος : Marigold
    Σχόλιο : Great Companions, Still have pest here and there but I believe it wouldnt be around to repeal pests, there would be so much more...

    Από S. C. Στις 05/Jun/2020 :

    Τίτλος : Parfait
    Σχόλιο : Très beau

    Από A. G. Στις 03/Jun/2020 :

    Τίτλος : Excel·lent
    Σχόλιο : He fet dotze llavoretes, totes son plantules en aquests moments molt sanes i esperant ser plantades definitivament. Gràcies

    Από A. M. Στις 01/Jun/2020 :

    Τίτλος : Good
    Σχόλιο : Nice little plant

    Από A. N. Στις 01/Jun/2020 :

    Τίτλος : good stuff
    Σχόλιο : nice flowers, smells good

    Από R. B. Στις 25/May/2020 :

    Τίτλος : Marigolds
    Σχόλιο : Coming on nicely very happy atm

    Από D. S. Στις 15/May/2020 :

    Τίτλος : good!
    Σχόλιο : came on time and grown very quickly!

    Από M. S. Στις 04/May/2020 :

    Τίτλος : Essai
    Σχόλιο : Pour l instant c un essai. Je verrais après récolte mais les graines sont de bonnes qualités et germent bien . Le compagnonnage fonctionnant dans l agriculture , pourquoi pas l utiliser ici

    Από T. H. Στις 08/Apr/2020 :

    Τίτλος : Nice looking pestcontrol
    Σχόλιο : Absolut Bio, looks awesome and much cheaper than chemical stuff. ... and it works.

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From Adam Akhtar | 2018-03-15 09:39:02

How do you plant these? Is it in the same pot as with the Cannabis seed

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You could, however we would recommend you to put them in a pot next to your Cannabis plant.

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