Τίτλος : Outstanding
Σχόλιο : I got off one plant 140 grams dry fantastic plant
Σχόλιο : The beautiful plant was so low maintenance and basically got strong and kept strong till the end. Pleasant taste and a very stoney head and body high. Turned some into edibles and they where awesome! Thank you! royal queen seeds.
Τίτλος : Triple auto
Σχόλιο : Great plant great seeds couldn’t ask for anything better flower smells great to
Τίτλος : Worst summer Best learning process
Σχόλιο : I grow using LED light indoor combined with outdoor and greenhouse/garden house, and I depend on using all three, mostly space issues, but smell and a few itchy neighbors make me go about my growing in a little carefully way. Germination 100% (3/3) in germination room. Indoor combined with outdoors during daytime. Later in the process giving a little extra light for some hours, according to data lifespan. I wait till the stem grows strong enough before giving sun for a whole day (very windy here at times) When flowering or reaching a height around 25-35cm they are sprayed with Plant Vitality Plus to boost their resilience to pests, moved to the greenhouse, with good ventilation (3 big fans in 18m2 growing space). Full sun I take them out. Triple G all responded very well and rocketed in a matter of weeks, then days with remarkable growth. They are not very leafy, so really not much maintenance. sprouted early June, coldest I can remember. A good deal of her "sisters" stopped growing, but Triple G didn't get that bothered about it. I had to bring in the heaters to save my crops, but some of the most sensitive ones never picked up growth, combined with moist and cold outside, the sides of the greenhouse condensed, leaving 'My Ladies" to become dwarfs so dense, that a few droplets made the mold go crazy. But Triple G didn't seem to bother much. Then the weather changed to something like springtime IN JULI...and from here I worked like crazy to prevent the 'seven plus plaques' that hit. I consider myself an experienced grower after 30 years of growing and have a lot of tricks up my sleeves, but damn I still lost a lot of outcome. Triple G had at first a fairly to very good resistance to mold, snails, spider mites, but when the aphids came, and her Buts were very dense, she took on to the mold. I turned to almost every trick, first time growing this beauty, I wanted to have something clean to harvest. So I had to go about it manually and only spraying the soil around and keep her as dry as possible. I saved somewhat 65-70% and had to wash a lot of the harvest in the end. They still reached a fair height; top cut 72cm/LST Only 76cm/Natural 86cm, and stood tall and strong, really a beauty! Average harvest from each plant around 48g plus 11g of ferment (I had to deal with larvae too...off cause...so thorough washing and ferment seemed obvious, me wanting some reward for my extra effort in quantity as well).
The high is somewhat a hard hitter to the body, but very nice body buzz, and the cerebral effect follows like expanding the mind into a clearer view in the thinking process. There are room for many thoughts. And it's easy to be selective about them; full control. When it wears of the body gets heavy and a nap or some calories will rush you through that. Or preferably; more of her nice pleasant smoke (minty, earthy and green the smooth way) will get you almost back to where she hit you the first time. No hangovers. But you'll end up with sleeping like a baby, after frequenting this lady for a longer smoking period.
*Highly recommended*
She smells nice, is a true beauty. Really standing out among her sisters, and she makes you feel very good with all the good stuff she's doing to you. What more can you ever wish for from a true lady?
Keep up the growth
Charlie G
Τίτλος : Lecker :)
Σχόλιο : Trotz einiger Probleme die durch den Anbau im Outdoor Bereich dieses Jahr aufgetreten sind, wurden es richtig schöne Pflanzen. Tolle Buds, toller Geruch und sehr schöne Wirkung! Kann ich empfehlen. 3/3 Samen sind gekeimt und haben sich prächtig entwickelt. Gedüngt mit der Palette von Hesi.
Τίτλος : Roadrunner
Σχόλιο : Got one seed of Triple G for free with my order. Grown under 300W LED (together with others) in living soil. Lightschedule 20/4 during vegitation and 18/6 during bloom. Responded very well to heavy LST and was trained into a 55cm bush with very frosty buds. Gave me 99g dry, nice looking, good smelling, and relaxing high. Easy indoor grow even with (sometimes too) warm conditions due to summer. As a first time indoor grower i am happy with it. Thanks RQS!
Τίτλος : Max
Σχόλιο : Une jolie plante qui poussent toute seule en extérieur 🤙
Τίτλος : Bonsai
Σχόλιο : I've bonsai'd it. Week 11 starts tomorrow
Τίτλος : planta pequena mais potente
Σχόλιο : Sinceramente acho muito importante que seja possível fazer uma análise detalhada sobre a cannabis de uma forma mais simples de fazer umelhoria nos detalhes de cultivo para iniciante . '
Τίτλος : Gewächshausbubi
Σχόλιο : Alle Samen gekeimt. Wachsen gut und riechen delikat.
Τίτλος : greenthumb
Σχόλιο : Keimrate 100% 3/3 - Alle Pflanzen waren exakt gleich hoch. Es waren 3 verschiedene Phenotypen. 400g auf 1mX1m trocken (ungetrimmt) mit einer 450W Vollspektrum LED wobei der Platz im Growzelt nicht ausgefüllt war. Ohne topping, binding, oder LST in jeweils 15L Erde.
LightMix BioBizz + Mykorrhiza Pilze + BioGrow + BioBloom.
Getrocknet bei 63% Feuchtigkeit und 20C° ca 2 Wochen.
Fermentiert im Glas bei 63% Feuchtigkeit mit Boveda Packs ca 2 Monate.
Kurz vor dem Gebrauch im Glas auf 58% Feuchtigkeit reduziert.
Somit auch hervorragend zum Pur rauchen geeignet. Der Geruch ist eher süßlich, der Geschmack ist süßlich, erdig. Zwischen den Phenotypen gibt es jedoch unterschiede. Drückt sehr auf die Couch und macht müde, gut für den Abend.
Die Seeds von RQS haben über all die Jahre mit der Glasmethode zu 100% gekeimt. Preise, Service und Support ist 1A
Τίτλος : GGG
Σχόλιο : Absolute 10 von 10! Die harzigsten buds die ich je an Autos hatte, alles am funkeln :) Geschmack angenehm weich, aber fährt gut rein. 65 Gramm bei 14Litern mit LST rausgeholt. Klare Empfehlung!
Τίτλος : Awesome bud
Σχόλιο : Grew this on my first grow. Was a pretty easy grow. I had 3 plants and got 1/2 pound off each plant. It also makes good butter
Τίτλος : Solid
Σχόλιο : Super easy grow from start to finish. Big buds with big screens. Not as frosty as some other strains, but I'd recommend it.
Τίτλος : Anfängerfreundlich...
Σχόλιο : Und super schöne Pflanze. Guter Ertrag, wächst unkompliziert. Buds kleben wie es für Gorilla strains üblich ist. Top!!
Τίτλος : Buon prodotto
Σχόλιο : pianta non troppo resistente a mio avviso a variazioni di umidità e a botte di caldo tipiche delle mie parti..risultato ad ogni modo piu che buono profumo intenso
Τίτλος : Buon prodotto
Σχόλιο : Ottima profumazione,resa non proprio in linea con quanto preventivato,ma buon prodotto nel complesso.
Τίτλος : Denis
Σχόλιο : Super Pflanzen, wird wieder bestellt
Τίτλος : Maybe One of the best
Σχόλιο : I planted 3g at least three times and all the time was really nice to grow, with big sticky buds. Even if i made a few mistakes, plants were always full of buds. The High Is so indica and brainy u can feel the difference with other strain. A must for sure
Τίτλος : Balcony Grow
Σχόλιο : Good Genetic, outperformed other Strains in Growth. Looking absolutly Healthy, even we had shit weather last weeks. Cant wait to smoke this nice Strain.
Τίτλος : Triple G auto
Σχόλιο : Solid plant, looks fantastic,smells great!
Τίτλος : Triple G
Σχόλιο : I'm impressed. Buds are fat and juicy.
Τίτλος : Nico
Σχόλιο : Gute Genetik, 3/3 sind gekeimt ohne Probleme. Etwas Inkonstant in der Höhe (eine ist knapp 180cm groß, eine 130cm und die andere 'nur' 90cm) aber dafür alle sehr harzig.
Kurz vor der Ernte erfüllt ein sehr frischer, zitroniger Duft den Raum und die Blüten wachsen wie Verrückt. Würde ich definitiv nochmal kaufen.
Τίτλος : Ainda na fase vegetativa
Σχόλιο : Até agora parece estar a correr bem, vou esperar pela floração
Τίτλος : Eccezionale!
Σχόλιο : Un profumo senza precedenti!
Τίτλος : Love!
Σχόλιο : This strain is very productive and and a really nice taste!
Τίτλος : Best auto
Σχόλιο : She just went into flower short and bushy. By far the easiest auto I’ve tried to grow. Excited to see how she finishes.
Τίτλος : Muy buena
Σχόλιο : Estoy en la quarta semana de floracion con esta strain y es magnifica , cagollos grandes y resinosos . Parece ser muy rentable en masetas de 10 litros . En 2 meses está echa un monstro .. ya desehando probarla . Unas semanas más 👌👌😋
Τίτλος : Beautiful
Σχόλιο : Great plant that grows well.. 3 week today..can't wait for her to finish plant about 1 foot tall very healthy. Will be growing again. Will right another review when finished
Τίτλος : Franko
Σχόλιο :
Robusto, sin problemas, 80g/planta, delicioso, !!!Gran producto final ;-))
Muy recomendable.
Robust, unproblematic, 80g/plant, delicious, !!!Great end product ;-))
Highly recommended.
Robust, unproblematisch, 80g/ Pflanze, Lecker, !!!Tolles Endprodukt ;-))
Sehr emphfehlenswert.
Saludos Franko
Τίτλος : Good!!!!
Σχόλιο : Loocking forward to the harvest
Τίτλος : Triple G aka fat girl
Σχόλιο : Triple G turn out to be a fat girl with can like size buds, smell was wonderful, packed a punch 3x harder , I will be buying again lovely strain
Τίτλος : PS
Σχόλιο : Vahva energinen budia. Runsas sato. Vahva suositus!
Τίτλος : Good
Σχόλιο : All 3 seeds germinated without any problems, after a few initial problems on my part, the plant grew extremely well, one yielded 50 grams dry with a 100w LED. Taste and high was the best, I've never had anything so good even though I only smoke Topshelf Dutch stuff ;)
Τίτλος : Strong
Σχόλιο : Very quick to germ then looking healthy happy. Very large healthy seeds. Impressive thankyou royal Queen seeds
Τίτλος : good
Σχόλιο : good germination , strong
Τίτλος : Brother in Dub
Σχόλιο : Hele mooie oogst met deze AF. Besneeuwde toppen waarbij een roodachtige tint van onderaf doorschijnt. Prachtige krachtige eenvoudig te laten groeien plant. Gekweekt onder LED 18 uur op biologische aarde gemixt met biologisch bemesten compost.
Τίτλος : MrGermany
Σχόλιο : Top flower great buds
Τίτλος : M-R
Σχόλιο : Les graines ont parfaitement germées et les plantules sont toutes vigoureuses
Τίτλος : Resina
Σχόλιο : Tanta resina..oleosa..hashplant? Me si.ottimo acquisto.
Τίτλος : Nice
Σχόλιο : Good Strain for begginers
Τίτλος : Best grow so far
Σχόλιο : A pleasure to grow. No issues at all. Healthy plants, big buds, strong smoke.
Τίτλος : I can't wait.
Σχόλιο : I will inform my thoughts :(,)
Τίτλος : Awesome
Σχόλιο : This grew awesome !
Τίτλος : Can’t wait
Σχόλιο : So ready to grow this💪🏽💪🏽
Τίτλος : Caked in thc
Σχόλιο : Am currently at 10 weeks and this plant is absolutely beautiful smells fruity and cakey cannot wait to try this I wish I could post the close up pic I’ve just took I guarantee you it would make you buy these seeds
Τίτλος : Ottimo
Σχόλιο : Germinata nei tempi, crescita bella lineare e super piena di cime. Ottima pianta
Τίτλος : Bella pianta
Σχόλιο : Come piene e ricoperte di resina
Τίτλος : Good
Σχόλιο : It grow as expected, nice!
Τίτλος : ALEX